Very often, it is only when you reach the bank or meet a lender that you are told your credit rating is not good enough for a loan. That can be immensely frustrating when your need for additional cash or extra funds is urgent.
Use our Online Enquiry service to find out if you are eligible for a loan — it is easy, and it is fast.

Aero Credit Pte Ltd has been established since 2010, and we are staffed and managed by experienced professionals who insist on providing the highest possible levels of service.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
11.00a.m. – 8.00 p.m.
11.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Closed on Sundays &
Public Holidays
Contact Us
- City Plaza #02-59, 810 Geylang Road, Singapore 409286
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